made in the usa

layd stayc | sourpuff girl

Haayy! First off, I wanna say welcome and thank you for visiting my website. It took me hours to perfect it just for you. I hope you spend some time here to get to know me better and enjoy the content I provide. I'll be posting blog posts, poetry, and news about my upcoming projects. Be sure to subscribe to get access to exclusive content only for my subscribers.

I'm Stacy Bermudez also known as “LayD StayC" or "Sourpuff Girl." I’m a HIPHOP Artist and Digital Marketer from the South Bronx in New York City. My parents are Garifuna and were born and raised in Guatemala. I speak Spanish fluently and know a little Garifuna, however, I was raised within the so-called Black and Latino community, so I identify with anyone who knows what it’s like to live in the hood.

I’ve spent most of my life in survival mode; chasing the bag and hoping to one day make a living doing something I was passionate about. In 2017, I decided to stop allowing my fears to dictate my journey. I was selling my youth to invest in a dream I didn’t have the time to pursue. I was attending CUNY and working in healthcare but I wasn’t working on my music as much as I wanted to. I also had plenty of work to do in my personal life to prevent my childhood traumas from impacting the course of my relationships and ability to self-motivate, execute, and enjoy the process.

Since then, I’ve been on a serious path of personal development. I realized I had to take that same work ethic I had at work and school and apply it to my own goals; make a living doing something I love, financial freedom, emotional stability to maintain healthy relationships, love ,marriage, and family. I’ve been developing skills that help me monetize my passions and maximize my time. I’m working on my craft to ensure my success as an independent artist. I’m learning about digital marketing which has helped me build this website, improve my social media presence, and allows me to work a corporate job from home. I now have plenty of time to continue developing my skills, work on my projects, and make money helping others with their digital presence too. Dating has also gotten much easier as my mental health improved.

You're probably thinking, what does this have to do with music? Well, for me, everything. The contents of my songs have changed as I've gotten older. My growth is reflected in the music. Sourpuff Girl has grown into LayD StayC, and the quality of my music keeps getting better. I'm excited to share my story with you. I have plenty of songs, blogs, and poetry to share with you. I hope that my story can inspire you to do what you love, love what you do, and make your their dreams come true.